The wing pattern is indeed as multimaculata with distinct triangular spot in cell. However, back of head is orange, not scarlet and antennae are black, not brown- all as in R. polyplagia. Rothschild, 1909; Novit. Zool. 16 (1): 21, (2): pl. 4, f. 5; Robinsonia multimaculata spec. nov. (PI. IV. fig. 5). Nearest to R. polyplagia Schaus M. Palpi lihick with white hiteral |iiitches ; hrad white with black bar above irons, back of head scarlet; antennae brown; tlmvax bright brown; tegulae and patagia white with narrow brown edges ; whitish spot in centre of motathorax ; legs deej) brown, washed with yellowish wliite on outside ; abdomen brilliant orange with dors